"Let nations hear who’s come to set them free"

In October of 1844, a shop owner tacked up this sign on his store in Philadelphia:

“This shop is closed in honor of the King of kings, who will appear about the 20th of October. Get ready, friends, to crown him Lord of all.This follower of William Miller would be very disappointed: Jesus did not appear on the sky on the day prophecied.

But Miller was right: a new ‘Jesus’—the Bab--had appeared. That October of 1844, the Bab journeyed to Mecca, the spiritual heart of Islam, to proclaim His Advent.

The Bab proclaimed His Station to the faithful in Mecca standing next to the Ka’aba, the holiest shrine in Islam. Quddus, the Letter of the Living who had accompanied Him to Mecca, gave a text revealed by the Bab to the ruler of Mecca who was busy with the management of pilgrims and only later realized  the importance of its contents. Then, they journeyed to the tomb of Muhammad where they prayed intensely to the Prophet of Islam and his saints.

Part 1 of the famous PBS Documentary "Islam: Empire of faith" This part is about the Rasool Muha...

Tahirih seemed to have realized that the Bab was claiming to be the chosen messenger of a new Divine revelation, a new ‘Muhammad’. He was now the source of authority, and his writings supplanted the Qur’an. The instruction and the rule of the clergy were no longer necessary. This breathtaking claim was blasphemy to the Shi’a clerics.

In this poem, she boldly proclaims the Bab’s advent and station and calls for the believers to break from the clergy:

“Lovers! Creation veils his face no more!

Lovers, look! He himself is visible!

See! The face of God glows with glory;

Look, lovers! Bright, pure, blinding, beautiful!

Who made the cosmos turns earth green once more.

Rise! Rise from that dark so miserable!

The day of truth is here! Lies have turned to dust!

Order, justice, law are now possible.

Smashed, the despot’s fist! God’s hand opens:

grace pours down—not sorrow, pain, and trouble

Minds in darkness now burn light with knowledge

Tell the priest. Shut your books! Lock the temple!

Hatred and doubt once poisoned all the world.

The bloodied cup holds milk now—pure, ample!

Let nations hear who’s come to set them free:

Broken the chain, and smashed the manacle!”