The Perfect Man

Shaykh Alusi of Baghdad interviewed Tahirih to determine whether shew as a heretic and came to admire her. He interpreted her teaching to mean that the Bab was similar to the figure of the ‘Perfect Man’ taught by Islamic mystics.

The Divine Will must make itself known through some expression—an individual who will be the educator and guide of humankind. The Qur’an states: “He directeth the ordinance from the heaven un to the earth; then it ascendeth unto Him in a Day, whereof the measure is a thousand years of that ye reckon” [32:4].

Muslim mystics believed that it was possible for a person to achieve these higher states of the knowledge of God and to guide others. Higher states of spiritual awareness could be pursued through movement, art, and music.

Varun Soni, dean of Religious Life at the University of Southern California, shares the basics of Sufism, the mystical branch of Islam that seeks to connect ...

As the cleric seemed open to some form of dialogue, a meeting between Sunni clergy and Tahirih was convened in his home. In later years, the Bab wrote to him and called on him to recognize his station which was the Station of Divine Manifestation---a new Muhammad.

“What is implied by the Divine Manifestations in the Bahá'í Faith is a special category of created Beings who are sent down to humanity with a new Revelation from God at more or less definite intervals. These are the Great Prophet-Founders of' the Religions. In contrast to this the Sufi concept reflects the predominant Moslem view that Prophethood was terminated in the Prophet Muhammad, consequently there can be no prophet after Him. From this point in history the "Muhammadan Essence" is realized in the "saints," specially chosen by God, who are called "Wali." The latter act on behalf and within the teaching of the Prophet Muhammad.” (Youli A. Ioannesyan)